Results History
Georavi (Vi) Apulu
Association :Auckland
Club :Manurewa
Player Code :AKMRGA
TP Member ID :69430
Before Date :
Doubles : D9  0675
Singles : S10 0410

30 Sep 2019Last Wins based grading before points conversion = D11 430
10 Nov 20123Interclub 
with Andrea Narain
D11 0350
D12 0180
Shannon Seto 
Renee Oliver 
D11 0375
D12 0115
03 Nov 20122Interclub 
with Andrea Narain
D11 0370
D12 0200
Jamie Lindsay 
Kate Romans 
D11 0360
D12 0100
27 Oct 20121Interclub 
with Andrea Narain
D11 0400
D11 0230
Megan Pringle 
Aimee Hunt 
D12 0130
D12 0130
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