Match List
Canterbury Country Rep Matches (Mid Canterbury)
Rep Match
Round: 1
Date: 27 Jan 2019
Canterbury CountryVersusNorth OtagoScore
DoublesPeter Leonard
& Alister Salton
D4  2410
D5  2305
beatMalcolm Strang
& Barry McDonald
D7  1665
D8  1200
6-1 6-0
Evan Johnston
& Matt Bubb
D7  1585
D7  1680
& Peter Simpson

D8  1400
6-4 6-2
Eddy van Til
& Karl Mitchell
D6  1890
D5  2140
& Rob Aitken

D10 0640
6-0 6-1
Bill Ritchie
& Trevor Chapman
D7  1535
D7  1535
beatJohn Macdonald
D9  0910
6-4 6-4
Dianna Leonard
& Judy Lamont
D7  1775
D7  1605
lost toBelinda Hirst
& Judith Wallace
D3  2900
D7  1700
6-2 6-1
Glenys Mitchell
& Sue Letham
D8  1260
D8  1440
lost toPhil McMaster
& Cathy Aitken
D10 0750
D9  0950
2-6 6-4 1-0(7)
Helen Brown
& Robyn Salton
D9  1000
D10 0610
lost toJulie Cockburn
& Lynda Scott
D8  1200
D9  1150
6-4 6-1
Peter Leonard
& Dianna Leonard
D4  2415
D7  1775
beatBelinda Hirst
& Malcolm Strang
D3  2905
D7  1665
6-2 6-4
Alister Salton
& Judy Lamont
D5  2310
D7  1605
beatBarry McDonald
& Judith Wallace
D8  1200
D7  1705
6-4 6-2
Evan Johnston
& Glenys Mitchell
D7  1585
D8  0810
& Phil McMaster

D8  0855
6-1 7-5
Matt Bubb
& Sue Letham
D8  1425
D8  1390
beatPeter Simpson
& Cathy Aitken
D9  0950
D9  1000
6-2 6-2
Eddy van Til
& Helen Brown
D6  1890
D9  0690
lost to
& Lynda Scott

D7  1060
2-6 6-4 1-0(6)
Karl Mitchell
& Robyn Salton
D7  1500
D10 0610
lost toRob Aitken
& Julie Cockburn
D11 0400
D8  1205
4-6 7-6 1-0(5)
Bill Ritchie
D7  1535
beatJohn Macdonald
D9  0910
6-4 6-4
Trevor Chapman
D7  1535
lost to

6-2 4-6 1-0(3)
"Contest Result"
Canterbury CountryvsNorth Otago
By:Canterbury Country